Tower Gardens Park

Tower Gardens Park is the small park in the centre of the estate, accessed from Risley Avenue and Tower Gardens Road. It has a building, which is currently used by IntoUniversity (a charity that provides local support and opens up new opportunities for young people), two play areas, an active Friends group and lots of wildlife.
Friends of Tower Gardens Park are a group of local residents who are working to improve the park and make it a safe, inviting place for all residents, and anyone else that wants to use the park. The group meets in the park at 10am on the second Saturday and the last Saturday of every month for regular litter picking and gardening. Checkout out the Tower Gardens calendar on the Welcome page.
The Friends work together with the Council to manage park. The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) also organise four volunteering days a year in the park. We have a Conservation Action Plan that we use to coordinate our actions.
Find out more by emailing for more information, using the sign-up form below, following us on Twitter at @TowerFriends or on Facebook.