Minutes from Community centre residents working group meeting – 25th Feb 2025


Attendees: Dayal, Elena, Karen, Friedrich, David, Dan
Apologies: Kate, Liam, Vanessa


  • Liam says to send him questions. No response yet to the question about the state of the roof. Karen will check with Liam for updates –  Update received after meeting: the council intends to get new locks to separate the yard so we can have keys. 
  • Dan reached out to HomeStart, no response so far. Citizens Advice were  excited about the idea of a new building.
  • Discussed Council’s update on Social Value Leases
    • Given how close, and our contacts, we said it would be good to understand how The Hub manages to run things, eg number of volunteers, who they pay, how much they get from classes, etc. Dayal to reach out to Dave M and Joan.
    • Our Tottenham discussed SVL update recently too – David: Reach out to them and get minutes of meeting. 
  • We’re unfortunately not in any of Shaping Tottenham neighbourhoods, as North Tottenham skips us, but would have had focus on “sports, culture, and entertainment”.
  • Council’s priority is housing, as seen from FoI response about traveller site decision, in which only consideration given was about number of possible houses, not preserving green space etc.
  • Examples of communities/residents banding together, eg Broadwater Farm Maintenance Co-op which took on meal on wheels, building maintenance and other over years – mentioned by David.
  • Survey:
    • Great way to have asynchronous engagement, and to leave up for multiple months
    • David has a first draft, which he’ll share
    • We need as many responses as possible to give weight to our work
    • Discussed how to attract TG resident’s responses, but also rest of ward and other, ie risk of making it too TG specific or not TG enough. Also talked about getting it into Haringey newsletter, or paying for FB ads, which is fairly cheap.
  • Coordination: Let’s use Google Drive and WhatsApp for now. Dayal to set up.
  • Immediate actions:
    • Community notice board – like the ones in Noel Park, with info about estate, history, community and 100TG. Could initially place one on fence (no need for permission), and then make a metal one to put on the wall (with Council’s permission). Dayal to put together some ideas, and share.
    • Planting in fenced off area outside 100TG – Something green and pretty to improve the general feel, but low maintenance and drought tolerant. Karen to make a plan
  • TG Website and possible use for 100TG work
    • Make an updated/2025 version of 1925 100TG photo to show our vision and contrast to past.
    • Post prominent link to surveycan we make a top banner in WordPress?
  • Plan a “survey” event around May
    • Ideally get Council to open up outdoor space for the day – engage with them once we have plan, poster and date
    • Backup plan: Have the event outside, put things up on door and walls. (Could possibly ask to close off one of the roads, as has been done before for street parties – and the council might prefer letting us in?!)
    • Make a poster
    • Plan the event
    • Ask Council to open up (at least) the outside area for event – Liam and Amanda got us access for tour, Dan can reach out again. What other avenues?
    • Publicise the event
  • Plan an “exhibition” inside the building
    • Way to get a foot in the door.
    • Use the historical angle, LCC stopping 60 years ago, OpenHouseLondon in Sept and London Festival of Arch to convince Council to open up space, and London Archives to let us use photos (Dayal has been, and they said that not all photos have been digitised, so there might be more.)
    • Also have a Community, and a 100TG side to “exhibition”.
    • Eg Bruce Castle had a nice tiny exhibition in their restored tower for Windrush anniversary
  • Feasibility study, operational model, social value model etc.
    • Eg do we take on whole building, or rent out top floors (eg to charities) to have income and then keep ground floor (and outdoors) only as community space?
    • David works a lot with HACT 4.0 to measure social value
    • Unit38 has about £1.5k that they could use to work on this, vision docs, images.
    • Unit38 has funds from Clothworkers Foundation, and should get more next year. They know about other funds that could be options for refurbishing building. Need to tell a strong story, lean into the history and the characteristics of the area.
  • Power mapping
    • Didn’t get to it in meeting
    • David to put a Miro board together and share.
Minutes from Community centre residents working group meeting – 28th Jan 2025