Tag: Bulb planting

Minutes of the Tower Gardens Residents Group Meeting


16th October 2023

Venue: Chad Gordon Autism Campus, Waltheof Gardens

Present: Kim, Tanya, Pedros, Karen, Mary, Matthew, Fiona, Friedrich, Angie, Dan, Dayall, Collette, Kate, Owen.
Councillors attending: Anne Stennett, Liam Carroll
Apologies: apologies were received from several residents.

1) Welcome and introduction

2) Discharge of the Committee (including Treasurer’s Report) and election of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer

Karen Loasby (Treasurer, retiring) gave a financial summary. The bank balance at the start of the year was £1641 and at the end of the year it was £1513. The £128 expended has covered meeting room fees, bulbs for planting in public areas, and other expenses.

Fiona Stevenson was re-elected as Chair
Friedrich Ernst was elected as Treasurer
Dan Zwi was elected as Secretary

All votes were unanimous and thanks were given to the committee volunteers.

3) Minutes of last meeting

Matthew Bradby (Secretary, retiring) gave a verbal summary of the Minutes of the last meeting held on 14 June 2023. Karen volunteered to upload these to the Tower Gardens website – https://www.towergardens.org.uk/

4) Matters arising (unfinished business) –
Community Picnic in Tower Gardens was very successful, good partnership with IntoUniversity that lease the building from the Council. Public liability insurance for the park lasts until May 2024.
Spring bulb planting – this is planned for 10 am on 18 November, meet at the Waltheof Gardens roundabout.

Additional subjects raised by resident Ruth by email are listed below.

5) 100 Tower Gardens Road and Citizens Advice Bureau building
100 TG Road – the first floor is rented from the Council by the charity SureStart. The ground floor is vacant.
Citizens Advice Bureau (temporary building on Waltheof Gardens) – the ground around this is now in a dangerous condition.

The Council are undertaking a formal review of their local property portfolio. The meeting suggested that the Council review should be strategic and take most appropriate uses into account. There is a need for local retired people to have a place to meet and socialise.

6) Low Traffic Neighbourhoods – there was a lively discussion about the value of these in Haringey.

  1. AOB

Kate asked if people were welcoming trick or treat visits on Hallowe’en – it is hoped to produce a Google Map for residents.

Crossovers – parking in front gardens in Gospatrick Road – e.g. number 6 and various house numbers between 40-50 near the Roundway. The Council has written to at least one property asking them to desist. Residents feel strongly that front garden parking is very negative for the area and more should be done to stop this occurring.

Issues raised on emails from residents, which were briefly discussed:

Update from Friends of Park re Park Entrance works. Awaiting planning document re planting.
Update from Open House. Successful day. A local resident whom is also an architect provided a guided walk.
Update re drugs users in the estate area. Some properties are known to the police and attracting similar persons to the estate.
Dumping – ongoing issues. Unclear what deterrents other than fines
Update from neighbourhood management requested re status on Veolia re green area maintenance and weeds on streets.
Council update re structural concerns due to lack of maintenance: 1 housing property in Risley Avenue, wall surrounding park, Rear of Rose Supermarket.

Next Meeting

It is planned to hold this in the week of 13 November, focused on fly tipping. Veolia to be invited, perhaps combined with a walkabout on the estate to visit hotspots/residents.

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