Tag: Hedges

Minutes of the Tower Gardens Residents Group – 10 June


Cllr Ahmed Mahbub from Haringey attended the meeting.

100 Tower Gardens Road
As you may be aware we have recently been told that this building can potentially be used as a community centre.
Cllr Mahbub explained that he has recently learned the building is in a bad state of disrepair, so it will be a long time before it’s in a condition appropriate for use by the community.
It may therefore be sensible in parallel to look for other buildings that could potentially be used for the centre.
Next steps: Cllr Mahbub will provide a timeline for Haringay’s mapping exercise which will consider all the council’s buildings and whether they can be better utilised. Cllr Mahbub will also arrange a time for people to visit 100 Tower Gardens Road.

Estate maintenance
The issue of people ignoring conservation area requirements when renovating was discussed. It was noted that Haringey does not take enforcement action against those who breach requirements, and that ultimately if those rules continue to be breached the estate will lose its unique character (and possibly its status as a conservation area).
Cllr Mahmud said that he could arrange for Haringey’s estate manager for Tower Gardens to attend a future TGRG meeting.
Hedge maintenance was discussed. Attendees thought it would be a good idea for the council to provide free green waste collections twice a year so that people can trim their hedges and dispose of the waste without having to pay for a green bin.
It was noted that there should be more notice boards around the estate so that local events and groups could be advertised and communicated to residents quickly. There should also be a digital noticeboard, which could serve as a source of information for new residents keen to learn about local networks, events and history.
Next steps: Cllr Mahbub to arrange meeting with TG estate manager, and TGRG to let councillors know where noticeboards should be erected.
Antisocial behaviour
Attendees observed that lime bikes are often left in the middle of pavements which can cause particular issues for people with disabilities, or people on mobility scooters or pushing prams.
It was noted that a resident had their tires slashed. Cllr Mahbub mentioned that there will be a meeting between the Met Police and White Hart Lane residents shortly at which these issues can be raised.
Next steps: Cllr Mahbub to provide details of meeting between WHL and Met Police.

Minutes of the Tower Gardens Residents Group Tuesday 14th June 2023


Tuesday 14th June 2023 7 pm Larkspur Close Meeting Room  

Attended by residents, elected committee, and Cllr Ahmed Mahbub
Present: Stephen, Anna, Jace, Colleen, Rohilla, Tanya, Miteh and Leanne, Claudia, Kate, Fiona, Matthew, Valeria, Friedrich, Ruth 

1.     Introductions  

2.     Update from police/neighbourhood watch – police are not attending residents group meetings currently in White Hart Lane, despite our efforts. If you have crime issues to raise, please let Friedrich Ernst know, as he’s attending the Ward Panel meeting on 22 June.  

3.     Update on Councillor Bull’s outstanding work. We discussed these cases, some of which have gone back 20 years. We now understand that there isn’t a separate list for these cases, and no central record of them. There was no handover so all these issues must be raised again/anew in the hope that there is a record of them with LBH staff members/teams.  

4.     Update from Ward Councillor Cllr Ahmed Mahbub Cllr Walkabout – there was a walkabout last week to look at specific instances including subsiding buildings, hedges, fly tipping.  

5.     Privet hedges – these are out of control in many cases and the council is working on a strategy to deal with this, for aesthetic and crime control, safety and pedestrian reasons.  

6.     Parking on public green space – this continues to be a problem particularly at the public green at the corner of Henningham Road and Waltheof Ave. New railings/posts would prevent this.  

7.     100 Tower Gardens Road – this is not being leased by the Council but it appears to have occupants who may be squatters. The building should be brought back into public use for LBH and the local community.  

8.     WEE – the Council will soon start free collections of waste electrical equipment (WEE). Further info to follow.  

9.     Dumping and update on camera request for Turnant Road – Ruth/Cllr Stennett. There is a large burden of proof needed, in order to obtain a camera as these are in short supply. Ruth is liaising by email.  

10. Further discussion about fly tipping – view that the neighbourhood resembles a ‘pigsty’ and wondering how much it costs to collect the daily dumps on all roads in the area. Friedrich has helpfully put up a sign in Gospatrick Road and maybe more signs will help – easier than installing cameras. We need to change local culture which says dumping is alright.  

11. Potholes and pathways – Risley Avenue and Waltheof Avenue – suggested to report the potholes using the mobile phone app and log them. Action: Cllr Mahbub to update on LBH potholes plan.   

12. Pathways – the brick pathways around public green space, e.g. in Risley – these are not maintained. They must be Council property so can they look into this?  

13. Risley Avenue Park entrance – update from Ruth – this project is ongoing to rectify poor quality design and planting.  

14. Tim update – Tim arrived late at the meeting and attempted to gain admission but this was refused by the Committee. It was explained to Tim via a window that his behaviour is rude and threatening and he left. A further discussion concluded with the request that a LBH form be circulated on which any instances of anti-social behaviour are recorded, and forwarded to Chris Patterson, LBH. Action: Secretary to forward this form. They can be returned to the Secretary, or directly to Chris Patterson.  

15. Friends of Tower Gardens Park – picnic on 24th June – an excellent flyer was distributed. Please come along to the event on 24th, 12 midday to 4 pm. 

16. Open House Sunday 17th Sept – organised by Ruth – please support!  

17. Noise nuisance – discussion of a very noisy party last Sunday in Risley Avenue and other similar events that go on very late at night. Recommended to phone 101 (police non-urgent number) and report via the Council’s antisocial behaviour unit.  

18. Illegal pavement crossovers in Gospatrick Road – information was passed to Cllr Mahbub for investigation by LBH.  

19. Low Traffic Neighbourhoods – there was a lively discussion and many views were put forward about the effects of the LTNs and their implementation which was sudden and with limited prior consultation. The experiment is continuing and evaluation is taking place.