Tag: Parking

Minutes of the Tower Gardens Residents Group Tuesday 14th June 2023


Tuesday 14th June 2023 7 pm Larkspur Close Meeting Room  

Attended by residents, elected committee, and Cllr Ahmed Mahbub
Present: Stephen, Anna, Jace, Colleen, Rohilla, Tanya, Miteh and Leanne, Claudia, Kate, Fiona, Matthew, Valeria, Friedrich, Ruth 

1.     Introductions  

2.     Update from police/neighbourhood watch – police are not attending residents group meetings currently in White Hart Lane, despite our efforts. If you have crime issues to raise, please let Friedrich Ernst know, as he’s attending the Ward Panel meeting on 22 June.  

3.     Update on Councillor Bull’s outstanding work. We discussed these cases, some of which have gone back 20 years. We now understand that there isn’t a separate list for these cases, and no central record of them. There was no handover so all these issues must be raised again/anew in the hope that there is a record of them with LBH staff members/teams.  

4.     Update from Ward Councillor Cllr Ahmed Mahbub Cllr Walkabout – there was a walkabout last week to look at specific instances including subsiding buildings, hedges, fly tipping.  

5.     Privet hedges – these are out of control in many cases and the council is working on a strategy to deal with this, for aesthetic and crime control, safety and pedestrian reasons.  

6.     Parking on public green space – this continues to be a problem particularly at the public green at the corner of Henningham Road and Waltheof Ave. New railings/posts would prevent this.  

7.     100 Tower Gardens Road – this is not being leased by the Council but it appears to have occupants who may be squatters. The building should be brought back into public use for LBH and the local community.  

8.     WEE – the Council will soon start free collections of waste electrical equipment (WEE). Further info to follow.  

9.     Dumping and update on camera request for Turnant Road – Ruth/Cllr Stennett. There is a large burden of proof needed, in order to obtain a camera as these are in short supply. Ruth is liaising by email.  

10. Further discussion about fly tipping – view that the neighbourhood resembles a ‘pigsty’ and wondering how much it costs to collect the daily dumps on all roads in the area. Friedrich has helpfully put up a sign in Gospatrick Road and maybe more signs will help – easier than installing cameras. We need to change local culture which says dumping is alright.  

11. Potholes and pathways – Risley Avenue and Waltheof Avenue – suggested to report the potholes using the mobile phone app and log them. Action: Cllr Mahbub to update on LBH potholes plan.   

12. Pathways – the brick pathways around public green space, e.g. in Risley – these are not maintained. They must be Council property so can they look into this?  

13. Risley Avenue Park entrance – update from Ruth – this project is ongoing to rectify poor quality design and planting.  

14. Tim update – Tim arrived late at the meeting and attempted to gain admission but this was refused by the Committee. It was explained to Tim via a window that his behaviour is rude and threatening and he left. A further discussion concluded with the request that a LBH form be circulated on which any instances of anti-social behaviour are recorded, and forwarded to Chris Patterson, LBH. Action: Secretary to forward this form. They can be returned to the Secretary, or directly to Chris Patterson.  

15. Friends of Tower Gardens Park – picnic on 24th June – an excellent flyer was distributed. Please come along to the event on 24th, 12 midday to 4 pm. 

16. Open House Sunday 17th Sept – organised by Ruth – please support!  

17. Noise nuisance – discussion of a very noisy party last Sunday in Risley Avenue and other similar events that go on very late at night. Recommended to phone 101 (police non-urgent number) and report via the Council’s antisocial behaviour unit.  

18. Illegal pavement crossovers in Gospatrick Road – information was passed to Cllr Mahbub for investigation by LBH.  

19. Low Traffic Neighbourhoods – there was a lively discussion and many views were put forward about the effects of the LTNs and their implementation which was sudden and with limited prior consultation. The experiment is continuing and evaluation is taking place.  

Minutes of Tower Gardens Residents Group meeting: 14th January 2020


TGRG 14th January 2020

Larkspur Close Meeting Room

Attending: Mary (Chair), Friedrich (Vice chair) Matthew (Sec), Tania, Thea, Chiara, Cllr Adje, Cat, Christiane, Stuart, George, Petros, Manos, Ava, Fiona, Claudia, PC Louis Pope

Apologies Cllr Stennett and Cllr Bull, Pauline Syddell

Police Update

Recent statistics were circulated by PC Pope. He showed that the TG area is not higher than other Tottenham areas. The highest Tottenham areas for crime are those near the High Road. Tottenham is overall worse for crime stats than the west of Haringey.

Drug use continues in and near Tower Gardens Park.

30 December an explosion occurred in the park due to substances being ignited.

Always report crime via phone, email or website so that statistics can be properly gathered and crime levels reported, so that we can get appropriate resources.

Leave lights on and keep hedges trimmed to reduce risk of burglaries. 

Cllr Adje

Boundary Commission – Ward boundaries in Haringey will be changing and this will affect us for the first time in the 2022 elections.

Consultation on the Council’s budget is open (until 19th Jan).

555 White Hart Lane – Council is working with the company Segro PLC to ensure high quality new commercial development

White Hart Lane/Spurs – the Council is in dispute with Spurs regarding High Road West scheme and creation of pedestrian boulevard from WHL station to the stadium

There was a long discussion about parking and about off street parking. Matthew to forward details about some unauthorised crossovers/front garden parking. Major concerns about all the events at THFC and not having enough visitor parking permits. We are still awaiting decision re future CPZ.

Please follow @haringeycouncil on Twitter – a very good way to find out what is going on locally. Also Nextdoor is a good local forum.

There have been amendments to the Conservation Area rules – all households should have received information through the post. These don’t come into effect until year end.

Other issues

Friends of Tower Gardens Park – are there any volunteers who would like to help with this? Please contact Matthew or Karen. In the past year we have made a big difference. BIG thanks to Zoe Fudge for organisation and wishing her well in the future.

Tree planting – more trees are coming we hope – info forwarded separately.

There is severe flooding at the junction of the Roundway and Waltheof Gardens.

Speeding on the Roundway – this is a disgrace and all residents are fed up with it. People live in fear of crossing the road and also the junction at Lordship Lane. New cameras are being installed on the A10 but we need more traffic calming. TFL have apparently said that our roads are not dangerous enough for more works, but we regularly see people racing cars and bikes at all times of day and night.

Dates of future meetings

There was a discussion about this and it was decided to try and meet every TWO months. The next meeting was agreed for Tuesday 10th March. The meeting after that will probably be Tuesday 12th May.

Minutes of Tower Gardens Residents Group meeting: 5th March 2019


Present: Friedrich, Matthew, Thea, Stuart, Colette, Karen, Claudia, Ruth, Grace, Jo, Cllr Stennett and Cllr Adje

Apologies: Mary, Fiona, Cllr Bull, Zoe, Cllr Say.

Venue: Larkspur Close 7 pm

The meeting wished Mary, Fiona and Cllr Bull a full and swift recovery from recent accidents and ills.

  • Crime Update (provided by Met Police)

Signage in the park regarding CCTV – a meeting happened with Ian Kershaw on 2nd March about this.

Car break ins – a number of these were discussed. Someone also observed a person stashing a plasma screen TV in TG park.

Residents are encouraged to report all suspected crime.

  • Litter and Fly Tipping

This continues to be bad, though positive impact made thanks to Tidy Up Tottenham initiative on social media. If you see this happening try to remember number plates though do not confront people due to risk of personal injury.

  • Park Tidy Up 30th March – Friends of TG Park

£500 ward funding has been applied for the park. A new FB group for the Friends has been set up. Zoe also plans to leaflet around the park for those not on email groups.

  • Trees

We are paying the Council tree dept the £1500 we owe them for six trees planted on the Roundway, which are doing well. Council tree officer Alex Fraser has also said that Council will plant a tree on Waltheof Green in memory of Dick Tomlinson. Matthew also brought forward idea to plant some small trees in public green spaces without council funding.

  • Gates, Potholes, Skips

Reports have been made about these, please keep reporting problems via the Haringey App.

  • CPZs

Data is still being collated for the TG CPZ proposal, to replace the event day CPZ. We discussed the problem of vans and light trucks being parked on the estate – CPZ may reduce this.

Major concerns were voiced about the new Event Days starting at THFC as they are not all on the football club website – i.e. they are not all football league games. Residents demand that there be proper signage on all roads to stop people being caught out. The first event is on 24 March.

  • Low Flying Aircraft

There are concerns that they are polluting our air space. There are more aircraft flying over our area than previously. Especially the mournful sound of jumbo jets coming in to land first thing in the morning.

  • Crossing on Lordship Lane/Roundway jct

Despite years of negotiation, TFL have said that this crossing is not a priority. Residents are very disappointed that they have to run the gauntlet on a regular basis to get to the church, shops, park or tube station. The Council have been supportive but at the moment people are at risk and accidents are happening. What can be done? The impression is that TFL do not care about people living in low income areas. Perhaps this can be raised as part of the Council’s equality/fairness work.

Date of Next Meeting