Tag: Potholes

Minutes of Tower Gardens Residents Group meeting: 5th March 2019


Present: Friedrich, Matthew, Thea, Stuart, Colette, Karen, Claudia, Ruth, Grace, Jo, Cllr Stennett and Cllr Adje

Apologies: Mary, Fiona, Cllr Bull, Zoe, Cllr Say.

Venue: Larkspur Close 7 pm

The meeting wished Mary, Fiona and Cllr Bull a full and swift recovery from recent accidents and ills.

  • Crime Update (provided by Met Police)

Signage in the park regarding CCTV – a meeting happened with Ian Kershaw on 2nd March about this.

Car break ins – a number of these were discussed. Someone also observed a person stashing a plasma screen TV in TG park.

Residents are encouraged to report all suspected crime.

  • Litter and Fly Tipping

This continues to be bad, though positive impact made thanks to Tidy Up Tottenham initiative on social media. If you see this happening try to remember number plates though do not confront people due to risk of personal injury.

  • Park Tidy Up 30th March – Friends of TG Park

£500 ward funding has been applied for the park. A new FB group for the Friends has been set up. Zoe also plans to leaflet around the park for those not on email groups.

  • Trees

We are paying the Council tree dept the £1500 we owe them for six trees planted on the Roundway, which are doing well. Council tree officer Alex Fraser has also said that Council will plant a tree on Waltheof Green in memory of Dick Tomlinson. Matthew also brought forward idea to plant some small trees in public green spaces without council funding.

  • Gates, Potholes, Skips

Reports have been made about these, please keep reporting problems via the Haringey App.

  • CPZs

Data is still being collated for the TG CPZ proposal, to replace the event day CPZ. We discussed the problem of vans and light trucks being parked on the estate – CPZ may reduce this.

Major concerns were voiced about the new Event Days starting at THFC as they are not all on the football club website – i.e. they are not all football league games. Residents demand that there be proper signage on all roads to stop people being caught out. The first event is on 24 March.

  • Low Flying Aircraft

There are concerns that they are polluting our air space. There are more aircraft flying over our area than previously. Especially the mournful sound of jumbo jets coming in to land first thing in the morning.

  • Crossing on Lordship Lane/Roundway jct

Despite years of negotiation, TFL have said that this crossing is not a priority. Residents are very disappointed that they have to run the gauntlet on a regular basis to get to the church, shops, park or tube station. The Council have been supportive but at the moment people are at risk and accidents are happening. What can be done? The impression is that TFL do not care about people living in low income areas. Perhaps this can be raised as part of the Council’s equality/fairness work.

Date of Next Meeting


Minutes of Tower Gardens Residents Group meeting: 13 March 2018


13 March 2018 at Larkspur Close Meeting Room
Apologies: Philippa, Fiona, Chiara
Present: Mary (Chair), Friedrich (Vice chair), Matthew (Secretary), Karen (Treasurer), Zoe, Claudia, Ruth, Colette, Kata; Cllrs Adje, Bull and Stennett

There was a general discussion about the upcoming council elections and the fact that many councillors would be changing portfolio after that date.

1. Rubbish, fly tipping, Veolia collections etc.
There was no residential collection during the recent snow week, leading to widespread problems with overflowing bins etc. The lack of take up of brown bins for green waste in Tottenham was discussed. We think most people in N17 will not pay for the service, leading to further fly tipping and burning.
We also talked about street sweeping and how this is much more effective if it is done after the bins are emptied. Also it was pointed out that side streets within 50m of Lordship Lane should be swept every day. Also some of these streets would benefit from street bins, as most people will not walk any distance to put something in a bin.
We also raised again the subject of the bins on the street in Lordship Lane, which have been a problem here for years. ACTION – Gideon to update. We also drew attention to the awful bin for the flats at 1-2 Westbury Court which have been overflowing for weeks, next to a restaurant.
Action: Matthew to write to the council chief executive and environment member, and cc local councillors.

2. Street name plates
Cast iron ones date from the creation of the conservation area. Some are missing – how to replace? Ruth to see if Zena Brabazon has information about this. It would be useful to make a list of the missing name plates.

3. Potholes
These are numerous and can be reported via the Haringey app. For those who do not have app, look for My Haringey app on the app store on your phone. We decided in January to have a look for all the potholes and report them.

4. Street Trees
Matthew had been told by Alex Fraser, LBH Tree manager, that the trees we wanted would be planted this season, but this has not happened. Matthew to write again and cc councillors.

5. Conservation area issues
Some velux windows are cropping up to the front elevation which is not allowed. Dormer windows are not allowed front or rear.
People should email planning.enforcement@haringey.gov.uk to report them. ACTION – Gideon to look into what housing associations own property on the estate, as they are involved in many renovations.
Conservation Area anniversary – the 50th anniversary was actually in 2017, so unlikely LBH will be doing events in connection with it this year. New conservation area guidelines for Tower Gardens are due to be published by LBH later this year.

6. Parking
There is an abandoned caravan on Risley Avenue. ACTION: Gideon to investigate.

7. State of 100 Tower Gardens Road
<https://maps.google.com/?q=100+Tower+Gardens+Road&entry=gmail&source=g> This is a shambles. Notice board is totally vandalised. Can residents group have new notice boards on the estate, in a nice tasteful colour like black, that we can have access to?

8. Major Lordship Lane development
A development management forum was held for this, re a new building to replace Westbury Court. We did not think a planning app had been submitted, but following the meeting we found that it has. Matthew has commented on the application online on 14 March, stating our concerns that the building is too large, and mentioning the unsafe road crossings at this junction.

9. Future Dates:
3 May – Local Elections
15 May – next TGRG meeting
7 July – Matthew’s garden open for National Garden Scheme
15-16 September – Ruth organises Open House Weekend for the Estate