
‘Main roads’ are swept once to twice daily. The first 50 metres of the residential streets coming off the main roads are also part of the main road sweeping schedules. The rest of residential roads are swept once a week, currently on a Friday for Tower Gardens. Tower Gardens is part of Veolia’s ‘Village 4’ with different ‘beats’ covering different roads. You can check which beat your road is on the Veolia website:

How you can help

Report litter:
You can report litter and overflowing bins via Love Clean Streets app or via the Haringey website

You’re not likely to get an immediate action as most litter reports are assigned to the next scheduled weekly sweep. If you think an area wasn’t swept on Friday then it is useful to report that on Friday evening. A large volume of reports over time may be useful in campaigning for more frequent sweeping or other interventions.

Reporting overflowing bins in the park may help the Friends of Tower Gardens Park get new bins installed or the bins emptied more frequently.

Come to a community litter pick:
Friends of Tower Gardens Park hold regular litter picks in the park and the Tower Gardens Residents Group organises occasional litter picks around the estate. Email:

Find out the answer to a question:
There are questions that have been raised but we haven’t investigated so far. You can help by tracking down the answers. may be a good place to start.

Who is the Village 4 manager?
Which roads in Tower Gardens are covered by the ‘first 50 metres’ coming of a main road and thus swept daily?
What is covered by weekly sweep? Is it just pavement? What about tree pits, road gutters?
When are the greens and paths in front of houses cleared of litter? Who is the contact?

If you find out let Tower Gardens Residents Group know! Email:

Organise a community litter pick:
If there is an area that you think would benefit from a community pick, then you could organise a litter pick. It’s relatively easy, you just need to:
Pick a date
Ask Friends of Tower Gardens Park if you can borrow the litter picking gear.
Ask Tower Gardens Residents Group to promote the litter pick. Email:
Ask Veolia to provide bags and pick up the bagged litter. Tell them how many bags you want, your address to drop the bags off, and what day and time you would like a pick up.

Do some independent litter picking
There’s litter picker and bags in the locker in Tower Gardens Park that anyone can use for a quick litter pick. Email: to get the padlock code.
If you would like to pick litter in your own time, email Tower Gardens Residents Group and we can provide you with a litter picker, bag hoop and bags if you need them.

Campaign for better services
This is harder than the other activities as the council is constrained by funding but there is potential for having a more lasting impact.

Potential asks:
Improvements to the quality and/or scope of weekly sweeps
The Enforcement team to help with specific problem areas
More frequent sweeping
More bins / different bins / bins relocated
Street or park bins emptied more regularly